Did you see it? Worcester Home Health Care Video in the Spotlight

Jan, an advocate for healthy living, modelled in our Worcester Home Health Care Answers and Questions video. For most of us, we are still aspiring to achieve the ‘from couch to 5K’ goal. For Jan, she is looking forward to marathon number 40, no doubt planned for when she reaches her 80’s.
She is a much loved member of the community, having looked after many babies and children for over 40 years in Worcester. Anyone who knows Jan, will know how amazing she is. She adds happiness and smiles to someone’s world each day.
It was a real pleasure to have such an inspiring person feature as the Severn Vale Home Care model, for our question and answers video which aims to answer the most popular questions we get asked about the high quality home care we offer.
For those of you who haven’t read the article yet, you can still buy your copy this week or see it online here…

If you have a question you would like us to answer, please let us know.